About Us

A few faithful Christians, from Southside Church of Christ, started a new congregation in the South Dallas area in early 1962. They started on Park Row Blvd., moved around a bit, and finally settled on the location of 3733 Myrtle Street (Dallas, TX) by the end of that year. Bro. Elbert Moore was a minister during this time. The congregation was officially known as The Myrtle Street Church of Christ.
From 1962 to 1981 the congregation was blessed with other wonderful ministers including Bro. Wilmer Tankersly. In July 1981 Bro. Tankersly passed the reigns of the congregation to Bro. J. E. Fontaie, Sr.; who has been pastor of the congregation since that time. Under the leadership of our Elder, Deacons, and Pastor Fontaine, the Myrtle Street Congregation purchased the property in Southeast Dallas (Pleasant Grove). Services on Myrtle Street ended on October 5, 1997. In the interim of the new building being constructed, the congregation held services at Eastfield Community College. Then, in June of 1998, the congregation moved into its new home located at 320 Pemberton Hill Road (services first held on June 14).
The Lord as continued to bless the Church of Christ on Pemberton Hill Road with (physical & spiritual) growth and progress
Joseph E. Fontaine, Sr., was born and raised in Dallas. His father, being a minister himself, instilled strong Christian values in Joe & his brothers. Joe Fontaine met Mary Harrison (from East Texas) and married in 1975. Shortly after there union, Joe found himself ordained and minister of the (then) Myrtly Street Church of Christ. While being a devoted husband, and loving father of two (Joe, Jr. & Jocinda), Pastor Fontaine led the congregation into their new place of worship (Church of Christ On Pemberton Hill Road). Since then Pastor & First Lady Fontaine have become grandparents, and continue to contribute to their church family.

Leadership At The Hill

J.E. Fontain Sr.
Joseph E. Fontaine, Sr., was born and raised in Dallas. His father, being a minister himself, instilled strong Christian values in Joe & his brothers. Joe Fontaine met Mary Harrison (from East Texas) and married in 1975. Shortly after there union, Joe found himself ordained and minister of the (then) Myrtly Street Church of Christ. While being a devoted husband, and loving father of two (Joe, Jr. & Jocinda), Pastor Fontaine led the congregation into their new place of worship (Church of Christ On Pemberton Hill Road). Since then Pastor & First Lady Fontaine have become grandparents, and continue to contribute to their church family.

Melvin Fontain
Elder Sr.

Charles Young

Deric Love, Sr.
Deacon Bible Study Teacher

David Burnly, Sr.
Associate Pastor
Bible Study Teacher

Charles Helton

James Washigton Deacon

Leon Brigham,
Jr. Deacon

Kenneth Huff
Congregational Song Leader

Fred Burnette
Congregational Song Leader

“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ "
1 Corinthians 15:57
320 Pemberton Hill Rd. Dallas, TX 75217
8:45 - 9:45am
Wednesday 7:30 - 9:00pm
7:30 - 9:00pm